Flowers at St Mary's are arranged by a small volunteer team. If you would like to join the team -- no special skills are necessary, just a love of flowers -- then please get in touch with Jan Potter 01296 580 686.
Very recently a fund has been set up for individuals or families who wish to sponsor flowers in church around a specific date in which to remember a loved one, celebrate a birthday or a wedding anniversary etc. This will also ensure that the church has flowers on a regular basis. Contact Jan if this idea appeals to you.
During Lent and Advent there are no flowers in church. For Easter Sunday a separate collection is made for lilies or other flowers in remembrance of a loved one. If you wish to donate towards Easter lilies or flowers, please contact Ann Webbley 01296 613 710.
Couples who are planning their weddings and who wish to choose their own flowers can have these arranged by a florist of their choice or by skilled members of the church flower team. Jan 01296 580 686 is the person to contact if you have any questions about this.
Please contact: Jan Potter on 01296 580 686 or for more details